Meet Wes - Wes Moore for Maryland
Wes Moore, a combat veteran, bestselling author, small business owner, Rhodes Scholar and former CEO of one of the nation’s largest anti-poverty organizations, has devoted his life’s work to a basic principle: no matter your start in life, you deserve an equal opportunity to succeed – a job you can raise a family on, a future you can look ...
Wes Moore for Maryland
Wes Moore is running for Governor because he believes no matter where you start in life, you deserve an equal opportunity to succeed. He has the experience, the vision, and the path to expand work, wages, and wealth for every family in Maryland.
Wes Moore releases comprehensive plan to break the cycle of …
BALTIMORE (Feb. 15, 2022) – In the wake of rising crime rates across Maryland, Democratic candidate for Governor Wes Moore and his running mate former Del. Aruna Miller released a plan to restore executive leadership on public safety and combat crime and violence with the urgency the issue deserves. Moore’s plan will leverage a data-driven ...
RELEASE: Faith leaders from across Maryland endorse Wes Moore …
Feb 23, 2022 · More than two dozen faith leaders from across the state joined Moore for the kickoff event at Southern Baptist Church in Baltimore, the house of worship where Moore and his family are members. Leaders united in their expressed support for …
Wes Moore announces more than a dozen powerful new …
BALTIMORE (June 27, 2022) – Leading Democratic candidate for Maryland Governor Wes Moore today announced the latest string of endorsements spanning from Baltimore City to Prince George’s and Howard counties, and inclusive of former officials, state officials, councilmembers, local groups, and a national grassroots organization working to ...
Issues - Wes Moore for Maryland
Wes believes that no matter where you start in life, you deserve an equal opportunity to succeed
Wes Moore Unveils Plan To Build a Cleaner, More Prosperous …
BALTIMORE (Jan. 12, 2022) – Today, Democratic candidate for Maryland Governor, Wes Moore, and his running mate, former Delegate Aruna Miller, unveiled an innovative and comprehensive plan to expand economic opportunity in our state by taking bold action on climate change. The Moore-Miller plan will combat climate change holistically and ...
Wes Moore calls on Gov. Hogan to take immediate action to …
BALTIMORE (May 25, 2022) – Today, democratic candidate for Maryland Governor Wes Moore called on Gov. Larry Hogan to take immediate action to stem the tide of violent crime plaguing Baltimore City, detailing specific actions the governor should immediately take.
Transportation - Wes Moore for Maryland
Driving the economy through leveraging a regional approach that expands transit-oriented development, connects workers with jobs, and drives growth at BWI Marshall Airport and the Port of Baltimore. Protecting the environment by converting the state’s fleet to EV technology by 2030, improving our EV charging station infrastructure and ...
Climate - Wes Moore for Maryland
As Maryland’s next Governor, Wes will re-establish Maryland as the national and global leader we should be by setting aggressive clean energy and emissions reductions standards, partnering with local leaders to combat the effects of climate change, and build a more resilient Maryland.