That's my cards on the table. That's me pinned my sail to the mast. That's me hoisted by my own petard. That latter phrase, incidentally, was coined by yon Willie Shakespeare for Hamlet. It means that ...
Are you ready for Film-tines? Alright, it's a work in progress, but we promise there are some love-ly little gems in our A-Z movie guide this Valentine's.
John Wayne remains an American icon thanks to his roles in popular Westerns and war movies, but what do we really know about ...
On this day in 1992, 'Wayne's World' was released, became a huge cult hit, and gave classic rock a newfound boost.
These catchphrases helped the following stars become more popular and successful. These are the best catchphrases in WWE history.
Live” was intended for countercultural comedy. Fifty years later, it is firmly part of the culture. Some memorable moments ...