Holodomor was the man-made famine of 1932-1933 that saw millions of people die due to instructions laid out by Joseph Stalin, ...
John Wayne survived Stalin's assassination order on his life by terrifying the KGB hitmen sent to take him out.
Joseph is wracked with grief. He leaves his son to be cared for by his wife’s parents and throws himself into his revolutionary work. He adopts the name 'Stalin' which means 'steel' in Russian.
The annexation of Western Ukraine to the USSR was a political mistake by Joseph Stalin, which led to major negative ...
In 1938, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin summoned him to Moscow to work as the deputy to the chief of the Soviet secret police (NKVD). Within months the chief had disappeared and Beria had replaced him.
Il y a 80 ans, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt et Joseph Staline font immortaliser leur rencontre sur les bords de la mer Noire, à l'occasion de la conférence de Yalta (4-11 février 1945).